This movie is based loosely on the true story of Analyn Megison. In the film, the main character, Amy Thompson, was a law student that violently attacked. She got pregnant from this attack, and decided to keep the baby despite being stalked by her offender. The police filed a report, and there was an order of protection put in place, but he kept showing up and threatening her. He eventually breaks in and tries to kill her again.
After this incident, she decides to move. Unfortunately, he finds her seven years later. He sues her for custody and stalks her while the court proceedings start. While the court case is ongoing, he shows up to the daughter's school, and keeps showing up even after being told to leave.
He does not attend the hearings despite being in town. Amy tries to argue that he should not have parental rights because of the way in which she was impregnated. Unfortunately, there was no law in place to prevent rapists from having parental rights or terminate parental rights when the rapist is not convicted.
Towards the end of the movie, he shows up at the daughter's school concert, and the police show up. The court case is then closed.
This case led Ms. Megison to create a law in Florida allowing for the standard for the termination of parental rights to be changed to "clear and convincing evidence". She was also involved in the creation of the Rape Survivor Child Custody Act, which President Obama signed into law in 2015.